Work Addiction


Work Addiction:

The Acceleration Syndrome


by: Scott Taylor

The Acceleration Syndrome is present when we:


  Regularly act on and process multiple tasks and information at the same time that we are in communication with others, or when we have an opportunity to relax and BE with others.


  Compulsively turning up the level of noise and chaos to feel normal.  We are "human-doings rather than human beings."


  Live at an accelerated pace, with relentless intensity and constant stimulation - having some unclear destination or accomplishment we must achieve - irrespective of the people around us.


This becomes a problem when there is less and less a choice and more and more of an addictive-compulsive drive to act this way.  We choose time-urgent, high intensity lives.  We often become habituated to a high level of stress.  We become chemically addicted to the rush of adrenaline that is maintained by living life at a high level of energy.  If we do not feel this energy, we think something is wrong with us.  We begin to hyper-edit everything in our life, yet never fully engaged in what we're presently doing. We speed along the surface, feeling little meaning in what we do today.


If we keep up this pace for extended periods we will suffer life-damaging consequences physically, at home, at work and in our personal relationships.


By living at this accelerated pace we:


  Live life in the future.  Meaning is always out there.


  Have addictive overdoses of adrenaline in our system creating other symptoms that we do not associate with our hyper behavior..


  Only skim the surface of life's meaning.  We may miss the whole purpose for being here - Relationships!


  Never take enough quality time for introspection and gratitude for the life we live now.


  Miss out on the nurturing that come from others:  significant others, friend, strangers sitting next to you, the employee in the next office or cubical, and/or children.


  Use substance (things we ingest) and process (anger, frustration, impatience, excuses, etc.) abuse to maintain our accelerated pace.  Pick your primary "drug of choice."  It may be positive in being socially acceptable (excessive physical workouts, being a Vice President, pushing your child beyond childhood too early, etc.) or negative (drugs, alcohol, power over others using sex, etc.).


  Have health problems such as: dizziness, high blood pressure, heart attacks, ulcers, over/under weight, and abnormal number of colds/flu's.


  Show irritability, impatience, anxiety, fear, phobias, intensity, aggression, depression, anger and mood swings in our interactions with others.





Take time to STOP, sit down, and listen to your present feelings while you go through each part of the day. 




When you become conscious that you are accelerating:


1.  Just sit down!  Literally stop what you are doing!

2.  Listen to what acceleration sounds/feels like. 

3.  Name how it makes you feel right now. 

4.  Let it cook inside you for a few minutes, rather that projecting it on to others.  Keep it inside you.

5.  After a moment the fear and anxiety will click over into a new awareness or feeling. Put a name to that new feeling.

6.  Stay with this feeling until you can hold it within (It will happen!) and relaxation returns. Only then go back to your previous task.



Anytime you don't know what to do (feel accelerated), sit quiet, and do nothing for a few moments.  Just wait.  In a short time the way we be made clear to you.  Clear on how to act in a healthy way.



Be present with the present.  Be here now!



When you become conscious that you are acting anxious, angry, irritated, impatient, etc.:


1.  Reflect on this - Remember, life is short.  People are more valuable than ideas or things.  Only relationship gives real meaning to life.  Everything else is replaceable. 

2.  Ask yourself - "Is this behavior your holding onto getting the results you desire?  Is it more valuable than the person or people your trying to communicate with?"

3.  Added Value List - Take a moment to create an added values list for the person/people you are upset with.  Everyone adds some unique value.  If you can't see it, suspect your own vision.

4.  Diversity=Success (over the long term).  See the unique attribute others bring to the table.  See how their unique, often odd behavior gives strength to the situation.



Don't be so hard on yourself.  You have a right to be here and so does everyone else.  Success is when you have enough communication options and skills to get the results you want from any one, any where, and at any time.




Stay awake and conscious when interacting with others.



Write these on a 3x5 card and carry them with you.  Memorize them, chant them, spray paint them on walls until like good poetry, you have them living within your body.



Show Up!

-  Don't multi-task when your in conversation.


Pay Attention!

- Listen to another's story by asking questions.


Tell the Truth!

- Give the feedback you would desire from a close friend.  Be sure it is not coming from your "wiring."


Don't Be Attached to the Outcome!

- Let go of future outcomes.  There are no straight line to success.  


Click here to see these four guidelines in more detail.



Even though this is not always easy, the easy way got us where we are thus far in life.  Do those things that get results.  Interpersonal relationships are the most challenging work we do and they are what truly makes our lives successful.  








  Relationships are what makes a company, community and family successful.  Anyone can plan, build, market, sell and profit from a product.  Products are used, replaced or thrown away.  Relationships remain to start the process all over again.  Do you have the patience, skills and attitude to keep your team (co-workers, community group or family) together?


  The work you do on yourself, the pain you endure to grow and learn new relationship skills, will be reward to in several ways:


1.  Your success, fulfillment, value add, prosperity, contribution will be celebrated by others and they will work hard to help you achieve it.

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